1. Everyone (to read) quietly when suddenly the door burst open and a
complete stranger rushed in.
3) was reading
2. He didn't say a word while we (to eat).
4) were eating
3. She was taught not to interrupt when older people (to talk).
4) were talking
4. He sat thinking of his wife whom he (to leave) alone in Europe.
3) had left
5. Her name was Logan. She (to be) a widow for 15 years and had no
1) had been
6. He glanced my way to see if I (to listen).
1) was listening
4) had been listening
7. He (to swim) in the river when he was a child.
2) used to swim
8. We (to drive) for about ten hours before we stopped for a break.
1) had been driving
9. He (to work) as journalist for several years before he began writing
4) had been working
10. I (to learn) to drive for 5 years before I could pass my driving test.
2) had learnt
2.Tomorrow at 3p.m. she will be working in the office.
3.Sorry, we are late! How long have you been waiting for us?
4.I had no idea that Miranda had moved to America. How long has she been there so far?
5.We will have a business meeting tomorrow from 4 till 6. Don’t call me at this time.
6. Kate isn’t going to buy new jeans yet, but she really wants to.
7.Sarah wishes she didn’t have to work at weekends.
8.Dominic has been looking for a job for 2 weeks. He hast got any result but he doesn’t give up.