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The Olympic Games - More Facts and Figures
Задание : Прочитайте текст и выпишите предложения в Past Simple Passive и Present Perfect Passive.
In ancient Greece, sport constituted an inseparable part of every man's education. The Olympic spirit is the culmination of the ideal of education in ancient Greece, since it combined physical training, spiritual promotion, moral worth, democratic equality, and human brotherhood. It was here, in Greece, that the harmonious development of a man's body, mind and soul formed the ultimate ideal of human life.
Despite miles and miles of beautiful coastline, water sports such as swimming were never a part of the ancient Olympic Games.
The first of the modern Summer Games on Sunday, March 24, 1896, in Athens, Greece where an estimated 245 athletes (all men) from 14 nations competed in the ancient stadium Panathenaicon.
Four years later at the Olympic games of 1900, women were finally recognized as official competitors. This came after the Games were scheduled at the same time as the World Exhibition in Paris. There was some confusion over which sporting events were Olympics or World Exhibition events and consequently, seven female athletes took advantage of the disorder. These women competed in Ballooning, Croquet, Golf, Yachting, Equestrian and Tennis.
The first gold medalists were Helen de Pourtales (Switzerland) in the mixed yachting event and Charlotte Cooper (Great Britain) in the individual tennis event.
A special edition for winter sports, the Winter Olympic Games, was established in 1924. Since 1994 these are no longer held in the same year as the Games of the Olympiad.
Since 1896 the summer Olympic Games have been held every four years, with the exception of 1916, 1940 and 1944, when World Wars I and II forced the Games' cancellation. In 1948 they resumed in London, because it was the only major city that was still intact after World War II. At these games, Alice Coachman became the first African-American woman to win a gold medal.
The modern marathon is one event which originated in these Ancient Games. Legend has it that Miltiades, a Greek General with an Athenian army, fought and won a battle against the Persians. He called for an Athenian runner and asked him to carry the victorious news back to Athens. The runner's journey was 24 miles but he entered the streets of Athens and shouted 'Rejoice! We conquer!' He then dropped dead. Although the accuracy of this tale is questionable, the first Modern Olympic Games in 1896 included the marathon to commemorate this legend.
The five interlocking rings of the Olympic flag symbolize the five continents of the world (Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Americas) "linked together in friendship." Olympics founder Pierre de Coubertin claimed that at least one of the rings' colors (blue, yellow, black, green, and red, along with the white background) was represented in each country's national flag.

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На английском языке Перевод на русский язык My House Мой дом My name is Catherine, I’m thirteen years old. I was born in a small village called Melexa and I live there. My father works on a farm, my mother does housework. I go to school and my younger brother tarries at home with mother. It’s very beautiful in our village both in winter and summer; there are many forests and fields around. Besides that the Syas river runs in our village. There is a horse, two cows and also goats and chickens on our farm. Early in the morning before going to school I help my mother to milk the cows or feed the chickens. There is a real Russian stove in our wooden house and when it’s cold my brother and I perch on it to warm ourselves. At the weekend my mother bakes the pies and we ride a horse with father. In May our whole family plants potatoes. Apple, plum, cherry trees strawberry plants and raspberrycanes grow around our house at our parcel. In summer we swim in the river, gather berries and mushrooms in the forest. Besides that my father can cook very delicious shashlik. In the evenings we go fishing. In winter we like to toboggan and make the snowman. I love my rustic home. Меня зовут Екатерина, мне 13 лет. Я родилась и живу в небольшой деревушке под названием Мелекса. Мой папа работает на ферме, мама занимается хозяйством. Я хожу в школу, а мой младший брат сидит дома с мамой. У нас в деревне очень красиво и зимой и летом, кругом леса и поля. Еще в нашей деревне протекает река Сясь. У нас в хозяйстве есть лошадь и две коровы, а также козы и куры. Рано утром, прежде чем идти в школу, я маме доить коров или кормить кур. В нашем деревянном доме есть настоящая русская печка и, когда холодно, мы с братом забираемся на неё, чтобы согреться. По выходным мама печет пироги, а папа катает нас на лошади. В мае мы всей семьёй сажаем картошку. На участке, вокруг нашего дома, растут яблони, сливы, вишня, клубника, малина. Летом мы купаемся в речке, ходим в лес за ягодами и грибами. А ещё папа умеет делать очень вкусные шашлыки. Вечерами мы ловим рыбу. Зимой мы любим кататься с горы и лепить снеговиков. Я люблю свой деревенский дом.
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Everybody keeps asking me what kind of job I want to do when I leave school. My mum doesn't think I should apply for any jobs yet. She wants me to go to university and get some good qualifications so that I can be a teacher. My dad wants me to start working for his bank as a(n) trainee. He says I could do the job part-time to get some experience, and go to college on my days off. I don't know if I to be a(n) employee of bank, though. I've been thinking about maybe trying go sell some of my art. Decisions, decisions!
4,4(44 оценок)
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