a good film on TV last night. ... some good actors in the film, many great composers in the past. a concert at school yesterday. a football match after school yesterday.
It is always easier to communicate using words but not hands. Personally I study English at school. And i like it. It is always interesting to discover something new in English words. And i try to study as much as i can. Sometimes it is hard, but i always try to do my best. Also my teacher helps us a lot. If somebody doesn't understand something, she explains it to us. I think, that if studying French for you is hard and boring, you should make it funnier and easier for yourself. For example, try to make up funny songs from the words you need to learn by heart. Then you will think that it is not boring anymore. And you should always be positive and make your lessons not so boring. But the main thing is that you always should do your best and never give up. Than you will be happy and you will know a lot. Это продолжение. Сайт не давал загрузить остальное, и да что подождали, и уважаете то, что мы тут решаем.
Hi! If you want to read some interesting information here you are. Studying foreign languages is very important cause every time you study it,you know more and more fact ,rules ,traditions of the languages.also if you know any foreign language you wil have good work,life abroad. About lessons at school I can say that everything depends of the teacher if teacher had exiting lesson you are interested in lesson If notyou understand In my school I have not bad teacher and lessons are not worth. If you want to study more you can find pen-pals in internet and talk with them on skype. . I think it will be very progressive. I suggest you study language and be more hardworking !