1. Has Nevita finished her article? Yes, she has. — Невита закончила свою статью? Да.
2. Why hasn’t Rachel finished her article? She needs to use Trevor’s computer. — Почему Рейчел не закончила свою статью? Ей нужен компьютер Тревора.
3. What is clam chowder? It’s a sort of fish soup. — Что такое похлебка из моллюсков? Это вид рыбного супа.
4. Has Pat ever eaten clam chowder? No, she hasn’t. – Пат когда-нибудь ела похлебку из моллюсков? Нет.
5. What happened to the computer? Scoop’s pulled the plug out. — Что случилось с компьютером? Скуп вытащив вилку из розетки.
6. Has Pat been to Disneyland? Yes, she has. – Пат была в Диснейленде? Да
When I was in England, I _stayed___
with my English friend Jenny and she __took__
me to London for a weekend.
We_didn’t go _
shopping but we __went__
to some interesting museums. One was very
big and I _liked___
some amazing things
there. They_had___
lots of things from
Egypt. We _didn’t see ___
everything because
it was so big and we _didnt have___
time. There was a small shop there and I __liked__
some postcards, but I __didnt have__
a lot of money. Then
we __walked__
through a lovely park and watched
the boats on the River
Thames. There was a food market and we ate
some fish and chips. I _bought___
the fish but I _didn‘t like ___
the chips - they were cold.
1) not enough
2) too many
3) too much
1) aren't enough
2) too many
3) are
4) aren't
5) too many
6) time