Historically droughts and floods are the most fatal disasters events
Исторически засухи и наводнения являются найболее смертельными катастрофами
Floods happen when the water level in rivers and seas becomes too high.
Наводнения случаются, когда уровень воды в реках и морях становится слишком высоким.
Sometimes flash floods can even wash away whole villages.
Иногда внезапные наводнения могут даже смыть целые деревни.
Hello my friend! How are you? Thank you for your congratulation.
I want to tell you about my birthday party! It was great. I invited my friends to a cafe. We had a big cake, juice, sandwiches and coke. Then we played bowling. I won several times. Then we went to a disco hall and danced there. The music was cool. I got a lot of presents from my friend. I liked that day very much.
How do you want to spend your birthday? Do you invite frinds to home or to a cafe? What do you like to do?
Sorry, I have to go to the shop.
Write me soon.
Сначала present continuous, потом present simple и past simple
I'm taking photos of Moscow's sights
I often take photos of Moscow's sights
Yesterday I took photos of Moscow's
I'm going for a walk with my friend
On mornings I usually go for a walk with my friend.
Last weekend I went for a walk with my friend
I'm lestening to music in my room.
I sometimes listen to music in my room
Two days ago I listened to music in my room
Grandfather is picking up toys
Grandfather often picks up toys instead of children
Grandfather picked up toys yesterday
Little boy is watering the plant
Little boy waters the plant everyday
Little boy watered the plant yesterday
Текст: various natural disasters often occur in our nature. For example: Earthquake, fire, tsunami, volcanic eruption, etc. During an earthquake, the earth changes its location. Earthquakes occur due to earthquakes at sea or in the ocean. But in some cases people are to blame for example, in a fire. A volcano erupts when a lot of energy builds up inside the earth.
Перевод: различные стихийные бедствия часто происходят в нашей природе. Например: землетрясение, пожар, цунами, извержение вулкана и т. Д. Во время землетрясения Земля меняет свое местоположение. Землетрясения происходят из-за землетрясений в море или в океане. Но в некоторых случаях люди виноваты, например, в пожаре. Вулкан извергается, когда в земле накапливается много энергии.