1 Beyonce is still a reigning .audience. in the world
of pop music.
2 He's in charge of painting the .curtain. for the play.
3 The twist at the end of the play was a complete
surprise for the .audience.
4 A lot of child actors achieve .fame. at a very young
5 The lead actor gave an excellent .perfomance.
6 Actors need to know the .props. plan so they know
where to stand.
7 At the beginning of the play there were no
actors on the .stage.
8 They brought down the .light. at the end of the
9 The final .scene. of the film was very dramatic.
10 When the curtain rose the only .scenery. on stage
were a table, a chair and a glass.
3. Match the sentence parts:
1. If I were rich,
2. I would be happy
3. If we had left home earlier
4. Howard would have won
5. If Susan weren't ill,
a. if he had trained better.
b. she would join the party.
c. I would buy a sports car.
d. we wouldn't have missed the train.
e. if you come and see me.
1. If I were rich, c. I would buy a sports car.
2. I would be happy e. if you come and see me.
3. If we had left home earlier d. we wouldn't have missed the train.
4. Howard would have won a. if he had trained better.
5. If Susan weren't ill, b. she would join the party.