Everything here has been very unpredictable and strange. Even the girl learned long poems and the multiplication table out she is sikos-nakos. Alice herself did not recognize, even decided that it is not she and the other girl. From the endless oddities and grief the main character was crying, aplakov lake in which I almost drowned. She discovered that not one shake in this strange lacrimal lake. Next to her snorted the Mouse. Alice, being a polite girl, I struck up a conversation with her, how embarrassing it would be to be silent. Unfortunately, she was talking about cats remembering their beloved pet back home. But, offended at the callousness of Alice, the Mouse went away.
.On Monday. In the morning I get up and I go to school to gain knowledge. After lessons I usually go home, I do homework, I eat and I have a rest, in the evening before going to bed I brush teeth and I prepare for a dream. So usually repeats all days except days off, to vacation. For example if my friends have a Birthday, I prepare for it. every day a lot of things mean to me, every day at me occurs on the, but most often in that order in which I wrote you earlier. I would like to describe a lot of things.
В понедельник. Утром я встаю и иду в школу чтобы получать знания. После уроков я обычно иду домой, делаю уроки, кушаю и отдыхаю, вечером перед сном я чищу зубы и готовлюсь ко сну. Так обычно повторяется все дни кроме выходных, до каникул. К примеру если у моих подруг День Рождение, то я готовлюсь к нему. каждый день значит для меня многое, каждый день у меня происходит по своему, но чаще всего в том порядке, в котором я вам писала ранее. Мне бы хотелось описать многое.
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