Задание 1
wool,air, assistance, paper, bread, darkness, water, cheese, happiness, glass, sand, music, friendship, quickness, tobacco, copper, coffee, money, ink, meat, silver, timber, ice, chalk, heat, milk, butter, speed.
an airship, a word, an aviation, an assistant, a paper ( газета ), an hour, a sea, an event, a glass (стакан), a hero, a piano, a friend, a cigarette, an armchair, a ship, a coin, a university, a banknote, a watch, a tree ,an idea, a furniture, a cow, a horse, a machine, an equipment , an obligation, an instrument, an umbrella.
Задание 2
places, libraries, languages, dresses, flies, watches, clocks, countries, eyes, buses, bushes, parties, rays, thieves, companies, Negroes, masses, leaves, wolves, glasses, keys, boxes, halves, lives, days, plays, factories, cities, opportunities, colonies, roofs, months, journeys, shelves, heroes;
b) men, women, teeth, feet, geese, children, mice, oxen;
c) postmen, sons-in-law, editors-in-chief, fishermen, schoolgirls, sisters-in-law, text-books, pocket- knives, passers-by, statesmen;
1. my brother may be relied on
2. the conclusion was arrived at after a long discussion
3. as the child had a high temperature, the doctor was sent for
4. she wasn't being waited at home
5. While we are away our son will be look after by our neighbor
6. The picture was looked at with great admiration by people
7. When will your wife be operated on?
8. The universal peace has always been dreamt
9. The matter will be looked into by the committee
10. He didn't expect that his offer of help would be turned down
11. In that room hasn't been slept for years
12. The light was left on all the night
13. I have never been spoken like that before
14. He is always being made fun of by the boys
15. She hoped that her notice hadn't been taken
16. Sight of the last soldier was lost soon
17. When the girl's parents died Jane was taken care of by her aunt