Відповідь:I love winter vacation. Although much shorter than the summer, they are always fun and bright. All because winter holidays are my favorite holidays - New Year and Christmas. All two weeks of holiday breaks are dominated by a festive atmosphere.
Usually I spend the winter holidays at home because my grandparents or other relatives come to our holidays. We all prepare for the celebration together - we decorate the house and prepare delicious meals. And then we celebrate New Year with the whole family, we usually don't sleep all night.
But this year I hope that I will be able to visit the Carpathians. It is a long-standing dream of mine to spend the winter holidays at a ski resort, go skiing, see the beauty of the mountains in winter.
Winter holidays are a great time. Too bad they end quickly and we have to go back to school again. But vivid impressions of a good time help in the difficult learning.
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