Полагаться на различные источники - to rely on various sources Увеличивать продуктивность- to increase productivity Травоядное млекопитающие - herbivorous mammals Производить или мясо или яйца - produce or meat or eggs Содержать прирученных животных - to contain domesticated animals Выпас домашних животных - grazing pets Ценные корма - valuable feed Выращивать овец - to grow sheep Разнообразные удобрения - a variety of fertilizers Основная отрасль сельского хозяйства - the main branch of agriculture Рабочая сила на ферме - the labor force on the farm Как животноводство , так и растениеводство являются важными отраслями экономики во многих странах мира - as animal and crop production are important in many countnes Фермеры выводят и выращивают разных домашних животных таких как крупный рогатый скот овцы свиньи лошади и т. п. - fermers output and raise varous domestic animals such as cattle sheep pig horse ets/ Существует несколько специализированных отраслей животноводства например пчеловодство и птицеводство - there are a few specialized livestock industries such as beekeeping and poultry
1. We have never been to one of his concerts before. I hope he won't disappoint us. 2. The person I met in the hotel boasted that he had spoken to Queen Elizabeth ll 3. Don't say you are busy tonight. I have bought two tickets to the cinema already 4. We can't go anywhere at the moment. Look! It is raining hard 5. I have been waiting for you for an hour already. Where are you? 6. I don't buy things online. I'm not very good with the Internet 7. If we don't manage to buy the tickets, we will go to some cafe, OK?
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