Russian national costume is a traditional complex of clothes, shoes and accessories that has been developed over the centuries and used by Russian people in everyday and festive everyday life. It has notable features depending on the specific region, gender (male and female), destination (holiday, wedding and everyday) and age (children, girl, married woman, old woman).
With the General similarity in cut and decoration techniques Russian costume had its own characteristics. Russian folk costume represents two main types — Northern and southern. In the North of Russia, the peasants wore clothes significantly different from the peasants of the southern regions. In Central Russia wore a suit similar in nature to the North, however, in some places you could see the suit with the characteristics of South Russian clothing.
Мария Троекурова. Девушка нежная и красивая.Ей 17 лет.Отец ей не уделял времени,а проводила она его за книгами.Увлекалась девушка музыкой и романами.Осталась рано без матери,а воспитанием девочки занималась Мадмуазель Ми-Ми.Мария выросла в деревне,в уединении не имея подруг.Так же девушка умеет вышивать на пяльцах.Отрицательно относилась к пирам и застольям,которые часто устраивал ее отец Кирила Троекуров.Обладает силой воли и влюбчивостью,но и гордость дает о себе знать.После того,как Маша узнала,что отец хотел выдать его за Верейского,она решила бежать с Владимиром Дубровским,так как тот был влюблен в нее.Конечно не безответно. Девушка была не в праве бежать после и отказала Дубровскому,когда тот подъехал к Маше.Она была верна. Эти качества воспитывает Пушкин в читателях(читательницах).Он ценил верность в женщинах
Russian national costume is a traditional complex of clothes, shoes and accessories that has been developed over the centuries and used by Russian people in everyday and festive everyday life. It has notable features depending on the specific region, gender (male and female), destination (holiday, wedding and everyday) and age (children, girl, married woman, old woman).
With the General similarity in cut and decoration techniques Russian costume had its own characteristics. Russian folk costume represents two main types — Northern and southern. In the North of Russia, the peasants wore clothes significantly different from the peasants of the southern regions. In Central Russia wore a suit similar in nature to the North, however, in some places you could see the suit with the characteristics of South Russian clothing.