кружок бисероплетения приглашает вас в увлекательный мир творчества. Здесь вы научитесь делать красивые украшения, браслеты, бусы, кольца и другие незабываемые вещи. Подарок из бисера – лучший подарок, сделанный своими руками. Приглашаем вас каждый понедельник и четверг в 16 : 00 в Дом Культуры. Будем очень рады видеть вас!
The project group of bead weaving invites you into the fascinating world of creativity. Here you will learn how to make beautiful jewelry, bracelets, necklaces, rings and other unforgettable things. The present, made from grinding pears, is the best present made with your own hands. We invite you every Monday and Thursday at 16 : 00 at the House of Culture. We will be very glad to see you!
1. Where else can you see this play? 2. We decided to have a few more evenings in English. 3. I would like to have a cup of coffee. 4. I'm afraid that it is still asleep. 5. We were afraid to be late but the show has not started yet. 6. I need another book on the history of the theatre. 7. How many rehearsals will be this week?8. A month in this theatre will be another premiere. 9. What other actors are involved in this play?10. rain stopped but not yet warmed up. 11. you are still working on a report? -Yes. I have not collected all the required material. 12. We need another three tickets for this performance. 13. Who you met at the theater?
Приглашаем вас каждый понедельник и четверг в 16 : 00 в Дом Культуры.
Будем очень рады видеть вас!
The project group of bead weaving invites you into the fascinating world of creativity. Here you will learn how to make beautiful jewelry, bracelets, necklaces, rings and other unforgettable things. The present, made from grinding pears, is the best present made with your own hands.
We invite you every Monday and Thursday at 16 : 00 at the House of Culture.
We will be very glad to see you!