It was Monday, I woke up and looked at the clock, it said 8:15 AM. At that moment I jumped off my bed and started put on my clothes and packing my supplies. When I was about to open the entrance doors I remembered that my first class in the university started at 10:00 AM. I went back to bed with thoughts to sleep extra 30 minutes . When I woke up again the clock showed 9:50 AM. I rushed towards the entrance doors, without even closing them. I knew that my professor was always 30 minutes late, so I did not worry too much. When I entered the class, I did not see the professor... but I could not recognize any of classmates either. I realized that I entered a wrong auditorium. When I entered the right auditorium, I saw my professor who was staring at me at that moment and some familiar faces behind the desks. That day the professor decided to come earlier. I sat at my usual place and started to unpack. At that moment I realized that I've forgotten my pencil case with all pens. My friend did not come to university that day and the closest person I could speak to was 2 desks far from me. After 10 minutes of lecture, the professor gave us a quiz. I forgot to study for that quiz, so I could not answer a single question. After classes, I went home and as soon as I've got out the university building it started to rain. I did not have an umbrella and all of my clothes have got soaking wet. At that moment it looked like the whole world was against me.
1. Каково было восприятие повести современниками писателя? Как Вы восприняли повесть?
2. Образная система повести: Вера Николаевна Шеина – Василий Львович Шеин – Желтков. Почему, по-вашему, А.И. Куприн уделил много внимания рассказу о сестре Веры Шеиной?
3. Попробуйте подобрать ряд эпитетов, которыми можно было бы охарактеризовать любовь Желткова. Однажды его чувство назвали «ущербным»: как Вы думаете, почему?
4. В чём смысл трагического финала повести?
5. Почему, как Вам кажется, в заголовок повести вынесено название предмета, а не фамилия или имя главного героя?
ответ: They can't count
Doris can sails
He can't helps
Они не умеют считать
Дорис умеет плавать под парусом
Он не умеет