A strange man told to Mike that he has seen him somewhere. I asked my father is he will book a ticket for me. A policeman said to some men to leave their cars quickly. The teacher asked me if I can speak French. My mom asked me if I've written the report. My friend told to his mom that he broke his leg while playing with his friends. Kate asked me to help her with homework. Mary asked Nick if he's going to the seaside next week. The teacher asked Ben about how many students are in his class (не уверена, если правильно, но вроде бы так). A small boy told his mother that he doesn't like this porridge (cereal).
A2. Match the words to make up meaningful phrases. 1) a pack of goods 2) recycling center 3) destroy wild parks 4) throw away
A3. Choose the appropriate word/ It is a very dangerous journey.
A4. Mark the words with the opposite meaning. 1) safe c. dangerous 2) small a. large 3) careful d. carefree 4) different b. the same
B1. Make the sentences using the following words. Avoid dropping litter in the country. Избегайте выбрасывать мусор за городом.
B2. Complete the sentences 1) If this girl took medicine, she'll feel better. - Если бы девочка приняла это лекарство, ей стало бы лучше. 2)If I were you, I wouldn't go there. - На твоем месте я бы не ездила (не ходила) туда.
сравнительная и превосходная
Объяснение: сравнительная- сравнение двух или более объектов до пяти, превосходная- среди всех, например лучше всех или же красивее всех и т.д.)