Прочитай во и кратко ответь на них: 1)Were you in the country last summer?- 2)Did you swim in the river in winter?- 3)Was your mother in Moscow last year?- 4) Did you play computer games last month?- 5) Were your friends in the zoo last Saturday?-
No, they weren't (were not) - отрицательный ответ.
Отвечай, основываясь на том, что действительно было. Например, если твои друзья действительно были в зоопарке, то пиши "Yes, they were", если нет, то "No, they weren't" (или were not)
1. Yesterday I came late from school. 2. Last week, the students in our class went on a trip to Lviv. 3. This writer wrote many exciting adventure stories. 4. What did you do in the classroom of English yesterday? We wrote dictation, translating text and described the new picture. 5. Our team won the game last week. 6. What did you do last night? I helped my mother with the housework. 7. We traveled to the Crimea during the winter holidays. 8. Yesterday a friend of mine bought some new stamps for your collection. 9. The students completed the experiment time. 10. I started learning English three years ago. 11. We passed t
Analysis of the picture "Scream" A red, fiery hot sky was covered by a cold fjord, which, in turn, gives rise to a fantastic shadow, similar to a kind of sea monster. The tension distorted the space, the lines broke, the colors do not match, the perspective is destroyed.
Only the bridge on which the heroes of the picture stand is indestructibly even. It is opposed to the chaos into which the world plunges. A bridge is a barrier separating a person from nature. Protected by civilization, people have forgotten how to feel, see and hear. Two indifferent figures in the distance, in no way reacting to what is happening around, only emphasize the tragedy of the plot.
1. Ты был(а) в деревне летом?
2. Ты плавал(а) в речке зимой?
3. Твоя мама была в Москве в году?
4. Ты играл(а) в компьютерные игры в месяце?
5. Были ли твои друзья в зоопарке в субботу?
1. Yes, I was - положительный ответ
No, I wasn't (was not) - отрицательный ответ
2. Yes, I did - положительный ответ
No, I didn't (did not) - отрицательный ответ
3. Yes, she was - положительный ответ
No, she wasn't (was not) - отрицательный ответ
4. Yes, I did - положительный ответ
No, I didn' (did not) - отрицательный ответ
5. Yes, they were - положительный ответ
No, they weren't (were not) - отрицательный ответ.
Отвечай, основываясь на том, что действительно было. Например, если твои друзья действительно были в зоопарке, то пиши "Yes, they were", если нет, то "No, they weren't" (или were not)
P.S. Если что-то не понятно, то просто напиши.