If a person wants to be healthy: Если человек хочет быть здоровым:
he must do sports. Он должен заниматься спортом
he must keep fit - Он должен держать себя в форме.
he must do exercises. - Он должен делать урпажнения.
he must eat more fruit and vegetables - он долеж есть больше вруктов и овощей.
he must not ear fast food- не долже есть фаст фуд.
he must not smoke - не долже курить
he must not drink alcohol - не должен пить спиртное
he must not take drugs - не должен принимать наркотики
My classmates must know what habits are good anв what bad. Мои однаклассники должны знать какие привычки хорошие, а какие плохие.
All bad habits can destroy health and life. - плохие привычки могут разрушить здоровье и жизнь.
These bad habits are: Эти плохие привычки:
• Drinking alcohol
• Taking drugs
• Physical inactivity
• Snacking
• Obesity
• Eating sweets
• Spending much time
working on a computer
• Skipping breakfast
• Sleeping too little
• Environmental influence
• Chaotic lifestyle
• Курение
• Употребление алкоголя
• Употребление наркотиков
• Пассивный образ жизни
• Еда «на ходу»
• Объедание
• Употребление сладостей
• Длительная работа на
• Пропускание завтрака
• Недостаток сна
• Влияние экологии
• Хаотический образ жизни
The country of my dream is Spain. It is a country of the brightest sun, the clearest waters of the Sea and the Atlantic Ocean and the sparkling beaches. It is a country of very impressive history and culture. This country is a beautiful and attractive place. I admire this country a lot. I would like to live in this amazing place. People say, there is not only one Spain, there are “lots of Spains”, because every part of this country is different from another parts. There is a “dry Spain” - these are the north and the north-west parts of the country and a “wet Spain” – these are the centre of Spain, the south and the south-east parts. Spain is the only place in the whole Europe where palm trees grow. There are hardly any cloudy or rainy days in this country. It’s the area of the eternal summer!
There you can see the Mediterranean Sea, historical landmarks and the ancient cities, such as Andalusia, Seville, Madrid and Barcelona. Spain is a paradise corner. It hasn’t been spoiled yet by lots of hotels and tourists. In this country magical olive trees grow. Flamenco dances are also the part of Spanish culture. One more thing, which makes this country perfect for living, is their national beauty. Spaniards have dark hair, dark eyes, and delicate features. They are not only beautiful, they are cheerful and friendly. I think these qualities make them so attractive. They like carnivals, traditional music and dances, evening walks through the main streets of their cities and villages. For me Spain is a country of my Dream. How I wish to look at it one day! One day will have become the happiest person in the world, when I’ll visit the country of my Dream!
1 I know it at the molecular level.
2 Тело паука состоит из белка.
3 It was an innovative method.
4 Миниатюрные пауки (нано-пауки) сделаны из молекулярной ДНК.
5 Their legs are a single strand of protein DNA fastened to the body.
6 Они смогут вводить противораковый препарат в клетку организма.
7 One day these spiders will be able to detect deseases in the human body.
8 Он всегда проводил операции твёрдыми руками.