1. He (studied) better than his father (had done). 2. They (spent) their vacation last year at the same village where they (had lived) many years before. 3. When we ( came) she had already ( sent) the children away and (was free) to speak to us. 4. Yesterday I (bought) a new watch as I (had lost) my old one. 5. He (took) the boy to the door by which he himself (had entered) the room. 6. He ( opened) his eyes, then ( looked) around and (thoght) for some time, trying to remember what (had happened) to him. 7. After they (had travelled) in the Caucasus they (decided) to make a sea voyage. 8. After they (had gone) at last I (went) to bed. 9. He (ate) all the cakes after we (had told) him not to do it. 10. The day after the party he ( asked) why we (had left) so early.
41 While she was ice-skating, Eva B on the icy surface and broke her leg. B slipped 42 If Mary is too busy to help Paul and Linda move house, they'll do it B themselves 43 This is the beach my brother works as a lifeguard. A where 44 As I was looking through some old photos, I came a picture of my grandfather in his army uniform. C across 45 Tom's laptop him to go online and do his work even when he's not in the office. C enables 46 Larry is a very good athlete. He runs than anyone else on the school team. A more quickly 47 Juan loves listening to English pop songs, even though he doesn't understand all the B lyrics 48 If we don't reduce air pollution, acid rain will continue to the trees and plants we need for oxygen. A burn 49 Maria got to work yesterday, she checked all her emails. A As soon as