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1. Выберите соответствующий артикль: She usually finishes school th end ... May and leaves... Astana early... July. A) at, of, -, in B) of, in, by, on C) in, -, for, at D) on, in, of, - E) for, at, -, after 2. Выберите соответствующий вариант предлога: Тake this book ... the table. A) at B) on C) in D) to E) from 3. В каком слове сочетание "ea" читается отлично от других? A) leather. B) breath. C) meadow. D) heat. E) feather. 4. Синоним слова "spare": A) various. B) busy. C) free. D) clear. E) different. 5. Выберите правильный вариант перевода: Я хочу, чтобы вы пришли A) I want that you would come. B)I want you come. C) I want you to come. D) I want that you shall come. E) I wanted you would come.6. Вставьте нужное слово. Excuse me. When does the next train to London leave? - Ten twenty, but it's ... A) the slow train. B) this slow train. C) a slow train. D) an slow train. E) some slow train. 7. Выберите правильно предлог: Your paper will be prepared. twenty minutes. Wait, please. A) in B) at C) of D) through E) with 8. Выберите правильный вариант. You wil receive information next week. A) farther B) farthest C) further D) far E) farer 9. Найдите подходящее наречие: It's snowing A) high B) slowly C) badly D) heavily E) clearly 10. Выберите предложение с правильным указательным местоимением. A) That were the men I waited for. B) That three pretty girls are my friends. C) Those green curtains are very nice. D) This are my favourite books. E) This apples are very tasty. 1. Выберите местоимение. How... Ietters are there in the English alphabet? A) much B) few C) a few D) many E) little12. Выберите во слово... will he come? I think at seven. A) What B) Whose C) Where D) Why E) When 13. Выберите верный вариант: It rained some days without stopping A) as if B) like C) since D) during E) till 14. Выберите нужное притяжательное местоимение. She has a daughter lives not far from London. ... A) them B) its C) she D) hers E) her 15. Найдите слово, не употребляющееся во множественном числе: A) mile. B) page. C) language. D) country. E) furniture. 16. Выберите правильный вариант: ... A) Is there B) Are there C) There is D) Aren't there E) There are any orange juice in the fridge? 17. Выберите правильно написанную 2 форму глагола "10 аrор A) droped. B) dropped. C) to dropped. D) to droppd. E) dropet.18. Выберите правильный вариант: Ву the end of the week he his work. A) will be finishing B) shall be finished C) will have finished D) were going to finish E) will finish 19. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание. A king liked to write stories which he thought were very good. The people were afraid to criticize them. One day he showed some of his stories to a well-known critic, who said they were bad. The king got angry with him and sent him to prison. After some time the king invited the critic to his palace to dinner. Again he showed him some of his stories and again asked him what he thought of them. The critic said to the king: "Take me back to the prison". Завершите предложение согласно содержанию текста. The critic asked the king ... A) to read his stories. B) to let him stay in the palace. C) to send him back to prison. D) to give him some money. E) to give him food. 20. Составьте предложение: is, now, Sam, the, at, desk. A) Sam now at the desk is. B) Now is Sam at the desk. C) At the desk is Sam now. D) Sam is at the desk now. E) Sam 21. Найдите разъяснение слова "athlete": A) A person who is interested in sport. B) A person whom you like. C) A person who study at the institute. D) A person who lives near you. E) A person who is fond of reading. 22. Найдите правильное утверждение. A) There are fifty two letters in the English alphabet. B) You can learm English only if you live in an English speaking country. now the desk. C) There are many borrowed words in English. D) American English doesn't differ from English spoken in Britain. E) There are two English speaking countries in the world.23. Определите, в каком времени и залогенеобходимо поставить в предложении глагол. Where did she go yesterday? She ... to the cineтвa to see a new film. A) went B) go C) has gone D) goes E) was going 24. Поставьте предложение в Present Perfect. We ... a new television set A) ... had bought B)...have bought C) ... has bought D) ... bought E) ... have buy​


1A   2E   3D   4C   5C   6C   7A   8C   9D   10C   11D   12E   13D   14E   15E   16A   17B   18C   19C   20D   21A   22C   23A   24B


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Здоровый образ жизни

Очень важно вести здоровый образ жизни. Каждый человек хочет прожить как можно дольше, не болеть и

всегда хорошо выглядеть. Для этого нужно есть здоровую пищу, заниматься спортом, больше гулять и вести активный образ жизни.

Когда вы ведете здоровый образ жизни, вы придерживаетесь здоровой или сбалансированной диеты. Также важно получать достаточно

спать, ложиться и просыпаться утром в одно и то же время. Полезно кашу на завтрак, кушать

рыба, овощи и молочные продукты. Не следует есть много сладкого и пить газированные напитки. Можно есть фастфуд,

но не часто.

Некоторые люди делают зарядку, бегают по утрам или занимаются другими видами спорта. Занятия спортом укрепляют тело

и дает вам энергию. Летом полезно больше гулять или кататься на велосипеде, а зимой - на лыжах и коньках. это

не очень хорошо сидеть подолгу возле компьютера и смотреть телевизор несколько часов.

Здоровый образ жизни делает человека счастливее и веселее. Когда вы здоровы, вы будете более активны

и положительный.

Когда люди могут кататься на лыжах и коньках?

4,5(6 оценок)

2. Dad DISCOVERED that Susan was fond of lemons.

3. This castle BELONGED to his family many years ago.


about the meeting too late and missed it.

5. Bob HUNG his photo on the wall.

6. When they ARRIVED at the airport, there was nobody there.

7. Rick always HOPED for the best when he was young.

8. Russian people FOUGHT for their country in 1941-1945.

9. My uncle HUNTED for sport

5 years ago.

10. Simon LEFT for Washington,

D.C. last week.

11. When I met Lulu, we HUGGED

each other.

12. My brother came home very late and our parents WORRIED a lot.

4,4(22 оценок)
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