Низок, да колюч, сладок, не пахуч. Ягоды сорвешь - всю руку обдерешь. (Крыжовник) Low, yes prickly, sweet, not smelling. The Berries will vent - whole hand обдерешь. (Gooseberry)
я румяную Матрешку От подруг не оторву, Подожду, когда Матрешка Упадет сама в траву. (Яблоко)
I rouge the Set of nesting dolls From girlfriends shall not come off, Podozhdu, when Set of nesting dolls will Fall itself in herb. (Apple)
Кругла, как шар, Красна, как кровь, Сладка, как мед. (Вишня)
Krugla, as ball, Red, as blood, Sweet, as honey. (Cherry)
Dear (имя друга) Yesterday was Mother's Day. To this day I've been preparing for. I have long opted for a gift to mum, but stopped on the choice of French perfume with the wonderful smell of roses. I also bought my mother's favorite cake "Napaleon" and freshly squeezed orange juice. Which made my eyes. In our huge garden, I plucked red roses and put in a jar. When it was my mother, I kissed her on the cheek. With her eyes flowed with tears. She was delighted. I'll send you photos. And how do you congratulated her mother? Send me a photo report. Good Luck. With love, (твоё имя)
Ягоды сорвешь - всю руку обдерешь.
Low, yes prickly, sweet, not smelling.
The Berries will vent - whole hand обдерешь.
я румяную Матрешку
От подруг не оторву,
Подожду, когда Матрешка
Упадет сама в траву.
I rouge the Set of nesting dolls From girlfriends shall not come off, Podozhdu, when Set of nesting dolls will Fall itself in herb.
Кругла, как шар,
Красна, как кровь,
Сладка, как мед.
Krugla, as ball, Red, as blood, Sweet, as honey.