Themselves Aztecs called themselves "Mechin" or "tenochka" and "atlaltelolka" - depending on the city of origin (Tenochtitlan, Tlatelolco). As to the origin of the word "Mexica» (mexica. From which, in fact, is the word "Mexico"), it expressed a very different version of its etymology: the word "Sun" in Nahuatl, the Aztec name of the leader Meshitli (Meksitli, Mekshitli) - type of algae grows in lake Texcoco. The most famous translator of Nahuatl Miguel Leon-Portilla, says that the word means "middle of the Moon." Self-name "tenochki" possibly comes from the name Tenocha - another legendary leader.
1. When we go to foreign countries we see and learn a lot of things. 2. She says she likes to go to the Caucasus in winter. 3. Japan is a country in the western part in the Pacific Ocean. It consists is many islands, large and small. Some of them are only a few miles long. 4. The Crimea is on the South is our country. 5. My sister lives in the Far East. 6. The Baltic Sea is on the West. 7. Show us the longest river in Russia on the map. 8. Slovakia is ... the center in Europe. 9. St. Petersburg is in the north-west in Moscow. 10. Thousands ... students ... all nationalities study in the institutes in our country. 11. One ... the students in our group is from Rumania. 12. What's the capital this Rumania? 13. What language do they speak on Bulgaria?
Там, де немає слова, це означає, що вони не потрiбнi там.