Ome consider that a rabbit and hare are a the same young of wild animal. Only a hare lives in-field, and a rabbit is a home animal. It not so. Although they near relation, that is all - nevertheless different types of animals. Rabbit are not only home but also wild. For the house they choose dumetums, slopes of ravines and hills. For a wild rabbit ears are shorter, than for a hare, and back paws not such long. Strong forepaws of rabbit with sharp claws for digging of earth. Unlike hare, rabbit dig deep burrows - real underground labyrinths. Motions stretch far in different directions, at times intersecting inter se. Sometimes a rabbit long rambles under earth, before will go out outside. Hare prefer to live in loneliness, and rabbit love companies. And there always is a "fugleman" - strong and experience rabbit in her. In the day-time rabbit sleep in the underground houses, and at nights go out to pinch a grass, gnaw counterfoils or drop in on in a vegetable garden or garden. They propagate quickly. Numerous crawl
task 1.
1. had given
2. had seen
3. had heared
4. hadn't ordered
5. had not been
6. why had you cleaned
7. had you had
test Health.
1. f
2. i
3. a
4. k
5. j
6. g
7. b
8. h
9. c
10. l
11. d
12. e
task 2
1. had spent, wanted.
2. had phoned, left
3. turned, had washed.
4. arrived, had started.
5. had come, fed.
6. sang, had played.