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Radio is very popular among the British. Many people rely on the radio to learn the latest news. Radio is convenient to listen to while driving a car to and from work in the morning and in the early evening. Later in the evening the British prefer to watch TV programmes.
The main television and radio broadcasting organization in Britain is the British Broadcasting Corporation (the BBC). The BBC World Service broadcasts in English and about forty other languages of the world. There are some independent radio and television stations which compete with the BBC. A lot of people listen to local radio and watch local TV.
The first public demonstration of television in Britain was given by John Logie Baird, a Scottish inventor, in 1926. The BBC began the world's first high-definition TV service6 in 1936: The centre of the British newspaper industry is considered Fleet Street in London.
The first television picture that was ever seen was not exciting. But to the inventor, John Logic Baird (1888-1946), it was wonderful. Baird was always interested in science, but not all of his experiments were successful. When he was twelve years old, he and some friends built a private telephone system. It worked well, but one night a storm pulled down the wires that were stretched across the street by the boys. A man in the street was hurt and the boys’ telephone system had to be closed down.
When John finished school, he got a job in a power station that supplied electricity to the Clyde Valley in Scotland. However, once, because of his experiments, all the electricity in the Clyde Valley was cut off! That was the end of the job. Later he studied electrical engineering at the Royal Technical College and the University of Glasgow.
Television now plays an important role in our life. It is difficult to say if it is good or bad. It is clear that television has advantages and disadvantages.
In the first place television is an entertainment. But it is not only a convenient entertainment. For a family it is more convenient and less expensive to sit comfortably at home than to go out to find entertainment in other places. They don’t have to pay for expensive seats at the theater or cinema. They turn on the TV set and can see interesting films, concerts, football matches.
But some people think that it is a waste of time to watch TV. Those who watch TV needn’t do anything. We are passive when we watch TV. Television shows us many interesting programmes. But again there is a disadvantage here: we watch TV every evening, and it begins to dominate our lives.

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I like to cook very much. It’s my hobby. I would like to tell you about my favorite dish, which is vintage dish in our family collection. I learned it from my mum, and she did it from my granny.

It’s named “Meaty footlocker”. This is a softly vegetables with a light, dietary meat, mushroom fragrant and fresh herbs under the fluffy cheese’s crisp. We are cooking this dish only in summer, because the fresh vegetables more accessible in that season.

You need for this dish the chicken, a vegetable marrow, mushrooms, tomatoes, the hard cheese, spice and herbs.

Finely chopped chicken’s meat add to onion and spice. Peel the marrow, cut it rings and delete its core. Then stuff it with chicken meat, put on it circle of tomato and mushrooms. Cover it cheese cap above. It made of grated cheese and mayonnaise. Put it in the oven to bake. When the crust is formed, the dish can be served to the table, do not forget to sprinkle with fresh herbs!

Bon appetit!

А вот теперь перевести:

Я очень люблю готовить. Это мое хобби. Я хочу рассказать вам о моём любимом блюде, по старинному семейному рецепту. Ему научила меня мама, а её научила бабушка.

Это блюдо называется "Мясной сундучок". Нежнейшие овощи с легким, диетическим мясом, ароматом лесных грибов и свежих трав, под нежнейшей сырной корочкой. Мы готовим это блюдо в основном летом, потому что именно в это время года много свежих овощей и трав.

Для приготовления блюда вам понадобится цыпленок, кабачок, грибы, помидоры,твердый сыр, травыи специи.

К мелко порубленному мясу добавить лук и специи. Почистить кабачок, порезать кольцами и удалить сердцевину. Затем нафаршировать их мясом, накрыть сверху кружком помидоров, грибами и сырной шапочкой. Её лучше сделать из тертого сыра и майонеза. Поставить в духовку запекать. Когда появится румяная корочка, блюдо готово к подаче. Не забудьте украсить свежей зеленью.

Приятного аппетита!

4,5(37 оценок)

I like to cook very much. It’s my hobby. I would like to tell you about my favorite dish, which is vintage dish in our family collection. I learned it from my mum, and she did it from my granny.

It’s named “Meaty footlocker”. This is a softly vegetables with a light, dietary meat, mushroom fragrant and fresh herbs under the fluffy cheese’s crisp. We are cooking this dish only in summer, because the fresh vegetables more accessible in that season.

You need for this dish the chicken, a vegetable marrow, mushrooms, tomatoes, the hard cheese, spice and herbs.

Finely chopped chicken’s meat add to onion and spice. Peel the marrow, cut it rings and delete its core. Then stuff it with chicken meat, put on it circle of tomato and mushrooms. Cover it cheese cap above. It made of grated cheese and mayonnaise. Put it in the oven to bake. When the crust is formed, the dish can be served to the table, do not forget to sprinkle with fresh herbs!

Bon appetit!

А вот теперь перевести:

Я очень люблю готовить. Это мое хобби. Я хочу рассказать вам о моём любимом блюде, по старинному семейному рецепту. Ему научила меня мама, а её научила бабушка.

Это блюдо называется "Мясной сундучок". Нежнейшие овощи с легким, диетическим мясом, ароматом лесных грибов и свежих трав, под нежнейшей сырной корочкой. Мы готовим это блюдо в основном летом, потому что именно в это время года много свежих овощей и трав.

Для приготовления блюда вам понадобится цыпленок, кабачок, грибы, помидоры,твердый сыр, травыи специи.

К мелко порубленному мясу добавить лук и специи. Почистить кабачок, порезать кольцами и удалить сердцевину. Затем нафаршировать их мясом, накрыть сверху кружком помидоров, грибами и сырной шапочкой. Её лучше сделать из тертого сыра и майонеза. Поставить в духовку запекать. Когда появится румяная корочка, блюдо готово к подаче. Не забудьте украсить свежей зеленью.

Приятного аппетита!

4,5(23 оценок)
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