It's really hard to be a firefighter. It's also extremelly dangerous. The emergency alarm can ring at any moment. It means that you have to dress up quickly and drive with other firefighters to the place where the fire has started. When you'll arrive the battle between you and fire beggins. You need to survive in it and also save other people if it's nessesary. Then you need to drive back to the fire station and have a short rest. You see that profession of firefighter is very importaint as well as dangerous. Ну, как-то так...
Pay more attention to a healthy diet means eating a balanced and eat fresh food. In some people, a healthy diet is associated with concepts such as denial, restriction or abstinence. But those who associate food with joy and pleasure, on the contrary, a positive attitude towards healthy eating. I think that daily diet of junk food has nothing to do with the real taste of food, and, in most cases, is an alternative solution supply due to lack of time or stress. Вот перевод: Обращать большее внимание на здоровую пищу означает питаться сбалансированно и употреблять свежие продукты. У некоторых людей здоровое питание ассоциируется с такими понятиями как отказ, ограничения или воздержание. Но у тех, кто связывает еду с жизнерадостностью и наслаждением, наоборот, позитивное отношение к здоровой еде. Я считаю,что ежедневное питание фаст-фудом не имеет ничего общего с настоящим вкусом еды, а, в большинстве случаев, является альтернативным решением питания из-за недостатка времени или стресса.
You see that profession of firefighter is very importaint as well as dangerous.
Ну, как-то так...