Rental house
My house is very light. There is two bedrooms, one kitchen and one toiltes. The ceilings are very high, and the bedrooms are painted yellow. On kitchen is refrigerator, table and chairs, tiles and microwave. The house located in LongName 23/15 street, near subway. For detail information call on number - 366-77-89-44. You are wellcome
Мой дом очень светлый. Есть две спальни, одна кухня и одна ванная. Потолки очень высокие, а спальни окрашены в желтый цвет. На кухне холодильник, стол и стулья, кафель и микроволновая печь. Дом расположен на улице LongName 23/15, рядом с метро. Подробная информация по телефону - 366-77-89-44. Добро
What date is it today? - Today is the 24th.
What day of the week is it today? - Today is Saturday.
Is it warm or cold today? - It is cold today.
Is it windy? - Yes, it's windy.
It is raining? - No, it doesn't rain.
Is it snowing? - No, it doesn't snow.
Is the sun shining brightly? - No, the sun is shining dimly.
What colour is the sky? - The sky is blue.
What’s the weather like today? - Today the weather is cool, a little wind and the sun is hiding behind the clouds.
Do you like this weather? Why? - Yes, I love this weather. Because it's not hot, you can take a walk and get some air
What was the weather like yesterday? - Yesterday was the same weather as today. Only yesterday it was raining lightly.
How many days has a year got? - There are 365 days in a year, but every 4 years - 366.
How many days has a leap year got? - There are 366 days in a leap year.
How many seasons are there in a year? - There are four seasons in a year.
What are they? - Winter, spring, summer, autumn.
What season is the coldest? - The coldest season is winter.
What season is the hottest? - The hottest season in summer.
What season brings the first flowers? - The first flowers briggs in spring.
What season is "tasty"? - "Tasty season" - autumn.
How many months make a year? - There are 12 months in a year.
What are the names of the months? - Months are called like this: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
What month is the shortest? - February is the shortest month.
He is not rich.
I am a policeman.
My sister is a doctor.
Jack is at school.
His brothers are at the sports centre.
My sister a I are good swimmers.
These bags are red.
The weather is fine.
It is sunny.
This box is heavy.