Перепишите предложения с пропущенными словами, вставьте их, одно
слово- лишнее, переведите. Составьте пять во к последнему абзацу.
can; fat; serve; balanced; meal; course; cooked; give; contains; useful; substantial.
I have usually a 1___four times a day. They are breakfast, lunch at the
college, dinner and supper.
Dinner is the 2___meal of a day. It consists of three courses. We can’t
imagine Russian dinner without a plate of soup.
The second 3is meat and fish with potatoes, macaroni, with vegetable
salad, for dessert we eat a glass of juice, compote or tea. Potatoes, pancakes,
cereals are usually 4___in my family as for me I 5___prepare a fried egg or a
scrambled egg, make tea.
Food may be 6or unhealthy. High fat food, sweets are bad for our teeth,
make us 7. Juice, fruit and vegetables, meat 8energy, contain a lot of
vitamins. In order to stay healthy it’s important to have a 9diet - in other
words, food that 10something from each of the three main groups of food.
These groups are protein, fat and carbohydrates.
Well-educated people pay a lot of attention to good table manners. They are:
1 You should sit up straight. 2 You shouldn’t eat with your fingers. 3 You
shouldn’t put your elbows on the table. 4 You shouldn’t put your dirty knife,
spoon and fork on your plate. 5 You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full. 6 You
shouldn’t lick your fingers. 7 If you are very hungry, you shouldn’t rush to your
food. 8 You shouldn’t put more than one piece of bread or cake on your plate. 9
You should say “Thank you” after the meal.
1. saw
2. play
3. visited
4. helps (из-за a he\she\it)
5. won
6. come
7. wrote
8. send
9. comes
10. found
11. listen
12. didn't help
13. doesn't want
14. didn't take part
15. !ничего не видно!
16. didn't play
17. don't want
18. don't often read
19. (в задании два восемнадцатых, но я поставлю тут 19) didn't go
20. doesn't like
21. didn't do
22. Do you go
23. Did he write
24. Did they win
25. Do they often do
26. Did she win
27. Does he use
28. Do you swim
29. Did they swim
30. Do you always play
31. Did you play
32. Does he go
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