Переведите во из прямой речи в косвенную:1. He asked, “Do you like Australia?”2. He asked, “ Have you been to Australia before?”3. He asked, “ Does your sister like to travel?”4. He asked, “ Why did you arrive in Canberra?”5. He asked, “ Where are you staying?”6. He asked, “ What sport do you like?”7. He asked, “ Which city do you like best in your country?”
2. sleeps: Present Simple (Indefinite), to sleep; slept: Past Simple (Indefinite), to sleep.
3. did write: Past Simple (Indefinite), to write.
4. flows: Present Simple (Indefinite), to flow.
5. shall go: Future Simple (Indefinite), to go; will come: Future Simple (Indefinite), to come.
6. Look: Present Simple (Indefinite), to look; is snowing: Present Continuous (Progressive), to snow.
7. were doing: Past Continuous (progressive), to do; were having: Past Continuous (Progressive), to have.
8. don't come: Present Simple (Indefinite), to come; shall be writing: Future Continuous (Progressive), to write.
9. came: Past Simple (Indefinite), to come; were sitting: Past Continuous (Progressive), to sit; were watching: Past Continuous (Progressive), to watch.