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Exercise 1. Соедините два предложения в одно, используя слова, данные в скобках:

A. 1. It was spring. It was warm (and). 2. It was raining. It was warm (but). 3. I like apples. I like plums (and). 4. Go home at once. Mother will be angry (or).

B. 1. She was late. She seldom came on time (but). 2. Run. You will be late (or). 3. He looked at his watch. It was four o’clock. (-). 4. Everything went fine. She was happy (and). 5. He is very old. His mind is as sharp as ever (yet). 6. I was busy. I would have come (or else). 7. I would have come. I was busy (but). 8. You don’t know all the facts. You would have changed your mind (otherwise).

Exercise 2. Дополните предложения придаточными предложениями:

1. Here is the student who … 2. Meet the man who … 3. I shan’t forget the place where … 4. What will you do when … 5. What did you do before … 6. Will you stay here while…

Exercise 3. Употребите глагол в скобках в нужной форме и скажите, какое придаточное предложение вводится союзами if или when:

1. I don’t know if I (to find) this book but if I (to buy) it it will be a good birthday present for my friend. 2. Does he know when they (to go) on the excursion? 3. I’ll give this book to you when I (to finish) reading it. 4. Will you go to the skating rink if he (to ask) you to? 5. We don’t know when she (to come) to us but when she (to come) we’ll invite her to the party.

Exercise 4. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. I shall try to do this translation if you give me the book. 2. If I find my plan, I shall show it to you. 3. If I am well tomorrow, I'll go to the museum. 4. If we have time, we shall go to the art exhibition. 5. When the academic year begins, these students will live in the hostel. 6. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we shall go to the country. 7. She will be glad if you accept her invitation to join her for a skiing trip. 8. If you hurry now, you will catch the train.

Exercise 5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Я сделаю этот перевод, если я не буду занят. 2. Он уедет, когда кончится учебный год. 3. Я пойду в кино, если у меня будет время. 4. Мы пойдем в читальный зал, когда начнутся уроки. 5. Я приму участие в соревнованиях, если буду хорошо себя чувствовать.

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Сочинение на тему: "Выдающиеся люди "
"The Famous People "

The importance of Alexander Graham Bell on today’s society is visible, or rather audible, every day and everywhere. First and foremost, Alexander Graham Bell was a prolific teacher of the deaf. This is what he considered to be his true life’s work, but only one of the many important things he did. His own definition of an inventor, “A man who looks upon the world and is not contented with things as they are. He wants to improve whatever he sees, he wants to benefit the world.” suits him well. Everything that he did had an impact on someone. 

Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, to a family of speech educators. He became deeply interested in the study of sound and the mechanics of speech, inspired in part by the acoustic experiments of German physicist Hermann Von Helmholtz, which gave Bell the idea of telegraphing speech.
His life did seem to demonstrate the oneness of the world. He was cheered at exhibitions, applauded at scientific meetings, and sought out by reporters. He and his wife united two numerous and close-knit families. Children, especially those of his own extended family, loved him. His marriage was a model of devotion throughout its forty-five years. He was much more than one of the most influential inventors of modern history, he was a great Husband, a mentor for youth, a model citizen, and an excellent teacher. 
4,6(76 оценок)
Вот тебе сочинение на тему "Зачем нужен английский язык?"
                                                 "Why do you need English?"
На русском : Зачем нужен английский язык? ответ на этот вопрос даст, я думаю, каждый. 21 век - время открытия границ и объединения стран. Миллионы российских жителей выезжают за границу с самыми разнообразными целями: отдыхать по туристической путевке, работать по контракту в западной компании и, в конце концов, в Париж или Милан за последней модной коллекцией! В какую бы страну ни поехал человек, ему приходится общаться с людьми. Исторически сложилось так, что универсальным языком общения стал английский язык. В аэропорту, в гостинице, в такси, на улице - везде Вы сможете чувствовать себя свободно и уверенно, если в багаже Ваших знаний есть хотя бы пара десятков английских слов!
На английском : Why do you need English? The answer to this question will , I think , everyone. 21st Century - the opening of borders and country groupings . Millions of Russian citizens traveling abroad with a variety of purposes: to rest as tourists , working under contract to a foreign company and , eventually , to Paris or Milan for the latest fashion collections ! Whichever country or traveled man , he has to communicate with people. Historically, that universal language became English. At the airport , at the hotel in a taxi on the street - everywhere you can feel at ease and confident if the baggage of your knowledge there is at least a couple dozen English words!
4,8(81 оценок)
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