1 .Who's in charge of Elena. Today anyone not?-Yes. Three students not. 2.No one today is missing. All nine students here today. 3. Victor here?No he is missing. 4.What is the date today? -15 October. 5.Can I ask you a question? -Please. - Where's number 48?-I can't answer your question. Could you please ask Secretary. 6. As for English headphones ? 7.To turn on a tape recorder ? - Yes please. Turn off the tape recorder? - Yes please. Turn off the tape recorder? - No wait a bit . I start reading? -Yes. Erase from the Board ? - please. to open the window? there's no need. To read this sentence again? Yes please. 8 . please read louder. speak louder please. sing louder please. enough. 9. repeat the sentence 2 times . read the text 3 times. 10 .Let's go to the Dean during the break. Let's fix the mistakes in the dictation. 11 .Will not bring you a cool magazine? 12.You can do this exercise today? - Yes. you can write a text today? no . I can't write the text today. 13.These exercises are difficult. Repeat them. these lyrics lungs. you don't have to repeat them. 14.can sits .15. keep reading. 16.quieter please. the lesson is not over. How long to call?- only two minutes. 17.As proiznositsya the word palatalization. ? 18.how to spell the word pronunciation? 19.put the questions to the text. 20.please do not prompt. 21.bring your notebook please. 22. first, put the cassette and then turn on the tape recorder. now please rewind the tape. 24.You have classes on Friday? 3 hours ago
Здравствуйте. Сегодня я собираюсь поговорить с вами о важном фестивале муравьев в моей стране, Индии. Поздней осенью мы отмечаем Дивали, Праздник света. Дивали длится пять дней. Перед фестивалем Вся семья готовится. Мы развешиваем дома цветные украшения, а дети делают специальные праздничные лампы. В этот день мы навещаем родственников, у нас праздничные обеды и мы обмениваемся подарками. Вечером. Мы зажигаем наши лампы Дивали и молимся. Лакшми, богиня богатства. Наконец-то. Есть захватывающий фейерверк. Это все. Все прекрасно проводят время за внимание ».
1) was talking/was stolen
2) have been made
3) have been working/is being decorated
4) is reported /will be made
5) was opened /came in /was opened