время : What did you do yesterday? – Что ты делал вчера? What color dress did you buy? – Платье какого цвета ты купила? What size did you buy? – Какого размера купила? What kind of book did you like? – Какая книга тебе понравилась? Where did you go yesterday? – Куда ты ходила вчера? Настоящее время : What are you doing now? – Что ты сейчас делаешь? What do you know? - Что ты знаешь ? What street do you live in? - На какой улице ты живешь ? Будущее время : What will you choose? – Что ты выберешь? What will be painted on the wall? - Что будет нарисовано на стене ? What time will they arrive? - В какое время они приедут? What will the teacher read to the students today ? - Что препод будет читать студентам сегодня ?
An Allergy is a hypersensitivity of the body to any substance. This substance can be any chemical ingredient, product, hair, dust, pollen or a germ. Today it is well established that allergens may be substances produced within the body. They are called antiallergenic or autoallergens. They are natural – unmodified tissue proteins that are isolated from the systems that are responsible for immunity. And purchased – proteins that acquire foreign properties against thermal, radiation, chemical, bacterial, viral, and other factors. For example, an allergic reaction develops with glomerulonephritis, rheumatism, arthritis, hypothyroidism.
must модальный глагол
1 You must lay the table.
2 You mustn't be late
3 You mustn't cross the road
4 You must turn right at the crossroads
5 You mustn't talk in the library
6 You must park your bike here
7 You mustn't make a mess
8 You must put your clothes away