Excuse me. I'm interviewing students about their typical day. Can I ask you some questions, please?
Lily : Yes, I'm not doing much. I 1 for my brother. He 2 trainers in that shop. Are you doing interviews for a magazine?
Katie: That's right, a student magazine. What3 in the town centre this morning?
Lily; We4 for a present for our mum.
Katie; Do you always5 on Saturdays?
Lily; No, I don't . I usually go to basketball on Saturday morning, but we6 today. My brother isn't playing rugby today, either.
Katie; Now about your day. What time do you7 in the morning?
Lily; That depends on the day. My mum8 me up at 7.00, before she9 , but I don't get up immediately. I sometimes10 again.
Katie; Do you11?
Lily; I have a quick piece of toast or some cereal. Then my brother and I12 to school. My brother finishes his homework on the bus. He isn't very organized.
Katie; what time does school13?
Lily; School starts at 8.30 and14 at 3.30
Katie; Do you usually go straight home after school?
Lily; Usually, yes. And I like to15 when I 16 After that, I can relax.
Katie; How do you17?
Lily; I go on the computer and chat, or18 if there's something good on.
Katie; And hat time do you19?
Lily; At 10.00, in theory, but my parents aren't too strict. My brother goes earlier because he's younger.
1.'m waiting
2.'s buying
3.are you doing
4.'re looking
5.go shopping
6.aren't playing
7.get up
9.goes to work
10.go to bed
11.have breakfast
12.get the bus
15.do my homework
16.get home
18.watch TV
19.go to sleep
Заполните пробелы отсутствующими словами в последующих предложениях, вам будет предоставлена первая буква каждого слова.
1) США ... от Атлантического океана на востоке до Тихого океана на западе. 2) США c ... четвертой по величине территорией в мире. 3) США ... Мексика на юге. 4) Мы должны упомянуть о ... стране. 5) Многие реки ... через страну. 6) Естественные каналы разрезаются на r 7) В США имеется обширная площадь ... почвы. 8) Он говорит по-испански, второй самый c ... язык в США. 9) Участок земли, установленный федеральным правительством для столицы страны, находится между штатами Виргиния и Мэриленд. 10) Есть тринадцать с ... на американском флаге.