1 I asked Boris if his friend lived in London.
2 I asked the man if he was living in a hotel.
3 Nick asked his friend if he would stay at the Hilton.
4 He asked me if I often went to see my friends.
При изменении прямой речи в косвенную меняем:
Времена группы Present на времена группы Past :
Present Simple на Past Simple
Present Continuous на Past Continuous
Present Perfect на Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous на Past Perfect Continuous
Past Simple на Past Perfect
Past Perfect не меняется
will на would
can - could
must - had to
Если в косвенную речь переделываем вопрос, то соблюдаем прямой порядок слов - т.е. сначала подлежащее, затем сказуемое.
1. The boy carrying a blue parcel crossed the street. 2. The battle fought at this place was very significant. 3. Lying in her bed she wept bitter tears. 4. The books sent to us are for my aunt. 5. Standing at the corner she talked to her friends. 6. Going from house to house the children played trick or treat. 7. Being very tall he became a basketball player. 8. Waiting in the hall he overheard a conversation. 9. The picture stolen from a museum was offered on Ebay. 10. The song which sung last night is still in my head.
1. Sitting in the bus shelter, we waited for the rain to stop.
2. The documentation telecast last Tuesday was impressive.
3. We had great fun at the party, playing silly games.
4. Having saved a little money, he travelled to Australia
5. Chatting along they didn't see the car coming.
6. Having been prepared carefully, the reception was a great success.
7. Being picked up by his mother, he didn't have to wait for the bus.
8. Having finished her degree, she started to work for an international company
9. Listening to the radio, she didn't hear the doorbell.
10. Having not been tidied up yet the room looked like a battlefield.