Известная кинозвезда приезжает в Вашу школу. Вы готовите вопросы для нее. Вы хотите знать: Когда она родилась; Откуда она родом; Насколько большая ее семья; Где она жила, когда была ребенком; Где она пошла в школу; Чем она интересовалась тогда; Какой ее любимый спорт был; Каковы ее хобби были; Каковы они теперь; Когда она закончила школу; Когда ее карьера началась; Сколько из ее фильмов имели успех. When were you born? Where are you from? How big is your family? Where did you live when you were a child? Where did you go to school? What were you interested in then? What was your favourite sport? What were your hobbies? What are they now? When did you finish school? When did your career begin? How many of your films were a success?
I was sent in the supermarket by my mother yesterday. I was going to buy the products . She gave me a very long list with the names of products to buy .There were many different department in the supermarket. I was a little puzzled and did not know where to go at first .<br />Under the first number in my list was the meat . I went to the department where the meat was sold . I bought several kilograms. Next in my list were vegetables and fruits . I was walking along the lines I could not find that department. There was a salesman who explained me how to get to department where were vegetables and fruits. I finally found that department . The last one in my list was a cake . I found it very quickly. There were many types of cake on the counter . I took strawberry cake . I paid for everything .And In an hour or so I went home. My mother was very glad that I bought everything. We drank tea with strawberry cake .It was delicious. We were happy to spend that evening together.
His broken leg hurt much.
Participle 2. Причастие 2