Unfortunately, summer is ending, and I want to tell you how I spent the holidays.
In early August, my mother and I went to my grandmother in the village. At first I thought I would be bored there. The computer no entertainment there, what is there to do?
On the first day of arrival I was lucky to meet with the village children, and we went with them to the river. But when we passed the forest, I saw a little bunny who ran the track. I first saw a real rabbit in the wild, not in a zoo. At the river, which we soon came, was fitted boat. Friends taught me to drive this boat. Then we played games.
In addition, the village had a large number of cases. Every day I learned something new. And I helped her grandmother overturned and endured skewed dried hay, helping in the garden. I could not even think of that as fun and fast time passes.
Ich verbrachte die Ferien sehr gut fuhr ich unterhalten auf den See. Ein paar mal war im Kino, und in der Regel in der Stadt. Urlaub zu Hause zu Fuß auf der Straße mit Freunden. Wenn ich auf Urlaub war, traf ich mich mit neuen Freunden. Ging in die Berge, um die mit der Höhe auf die Landschaft unseres Landes. Nun, den Rest der Zeit verbrachte ich zu Hause genießen Sommerurlauben Sie dauerte drei Monate und haben wie drei Tage. Aber jetzt begann das neue Schuljahr und muss lernen und nach kommen noch ein Urlaub wo alles unterhalten werden!
In early August, my mother and I went to my grandmother in the village. At first I thought I would be bored there. The computer no entertainment there, what is there to do?
On the first day of arrival I was lucky to meet with the village children, and we went with them to the river. But when we passed the forest, I saw a little bunny who ran the track. I first saw a real rabbit in the wild, not in a zoo. At the river, which we soon came, was fitted boat. Friends taught me to drive this boat. Then we played games.
In addition, the village had a large number of cases. Every day I learned something new. And I helped her grandmother overturned and endured skewed dried hay, helping in the garden. I could not even think of that as fun and fast time passes.