Change direct speech into indirect one:
1. The English teacher said, "For nearly 1000 years all the kings and queens of England have been crowned in Westminster Abbey and many of them are buried here too." 2. The guide informed the tourists, "The National Gallery exhibits all schools of European painting from the 13th to the 19th century and includes works by van Dyck, Rubens, Goya, Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt." 3. A passer-by asked me, "Am I on the right way to the Buckingham Palace?" 4. A Frenchman having visited London says, "The Buckingham Palace, the House of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral are masterpieces of architecture." 5. He said, "Agriculture is one of the largest and most important activities in Great Britain." 6. Londoners like to say, "When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life." 7. The tourist asked his guide, "When shall we go sightseeing?" 8. She asked me, "Do you know the history of conquering of the British Isles?"
Apple - яблоко, Alphabet - алфавит, Armchair - кресло
Bubble - пузырь, Boy - мальчик, Bed - кровать
Cat - кот, Chair - стул, Children - дети
Dog - собака, Doll - кукла, Deer - олень
Egg - яйцо, Eagle - орёл, Elephant - слон
Family - семья, fridge - холодильник, France - Франция
Girl - девочка, goal - цель, Galaxy - галактика
Honey - мёд, honor - честь, hope - надежда
ice-cream - мороженое, ice - лёд, Italy - Италия
juice - сок, jungle - джунгли, jeep - джип
key - ключ, kitchen - кухня, kite - воздушный змей
Lion - лев, line- линия, light - свет
mother - мама, map - карта, mark - оценка
nest - гнездо, nut - орех, name - имя
ox - бык, oxygen - кислород, operator - оператор
present - подарок, parrot - попугай, pin - булавка
queen - королева, question - вопрос, quiet - тишина
rainbow - радуга, rain - дождь, rabbit - кролик
star - звезда, sister - сестра, sometimes - иногда
tiger - тигр, Taiga - Тайга, trainers - кроссовки
umbrella - зонтик, unicorn - единорог, uncle - дядя
vase - ваза, vegetable - овощ, violin - скрипка
whale - кит, wolf - волк, winter - зима
xylophone - ксилофон, X-rays - рентген, X-mas - Рождество
yellow - жёлтый, yacht - яхта, yak - як
zoo - зоопарк, zebra - зебра, zero - ноль