The leopard (Panthera pardus) is one of the the smallest of the four "big cats", found in a range of colors from pale yellow to gray to chestnut and its body is covered in black spots. Leopards can be found in Asia, South Asia, and India. Leopards eat gazelles, deers and sometimes hunt monkeys and birds.They live in forests, mountains, grassland and deserts. Leopards live for up to 20 years. Leopards are active at night and sleep in thick brush or in trees during the day. They are good swimmers and fast runners.
Дорогой друг, Любезно напоминаем, Вы всё ещё имеете неоплаченный заказ, китайская почта не будет работать в следующий понедельник, итак, любой неоплаченный заказ, не будет иметь времени, для того, чтобы быть отправленым раньше CNY*, надеемся на Ваше добродушное понимание и огромную Сэнди.
Возможно и немного по иному: "Вы всё ещё имеете неоплаченный заказ" - вы все еще имеете заказ, который не получил оплаты.
*CNY - простите, что это за аббревиатуры, я, к сожалению, не знаю.
The leopard (Panthera pardus) is one of the the smallest of the four "big cats", found in a range of colors from pale yellow to gray to chestnut and its body is covered in black spots. Leopards can be found in Asia, South Asia, and India. Leopards eat gazelles, deers and sometimes hunt monkeys and birds.They live in forests, mountains, grassland and deserts. Leopards live for up to 20 years. Leopards are active at night and sleep in thick brush or in trees during the day. They are good swimmers and fast runners.