В середині літа я провів літні канікули за містом у бабусі і дідуся. У них я всіляко намагався їм до по дому, городу, господарству. Годував собаку, кота, курей. Намагався вести себе добре і не псувати дідуся з бабусею настрій. Вони мною були задоволені і намагалися мені у всьому догодити. Питали, що мені купити і робили мені подарунки.
В кінці літа я провів літні канікули в таборі в лісі біля озера. Мені там дуже сподобалося.Думаю, що навчальний рік буде цікавим, і я його теж постараюся провести корисно для себе і оточуючих мене людей.
"Essay how I spent my summer vacation"
This summer I spent summer vacation in the most productive and useful. I didn't just spend days sitting at a computer, a TV, went on the streets. I helped my parents around the house. Asked them to give me a task and executes it diligently.
1.I had tired. I had played basketball.
2.She had finished... . Her mother had arrived
3.The child had cut We had taken the knife...
4. The rain had stopped. We had moved home.
5.He had decided to study French. He had left school.
6.Sam had worked... . He had gotten succes.
7.The house had built. The tornado had ruined it.
8. My brother had received... . He had written back.
9. I had bought a new dog. My old dog had died
10. They had taken up playing tennis. They had seen the tennis tournament on Tv