1. I go to school every day.
2. She went to school an hour ago.
3. He has just gone out.
4. I will bring your book tomorrow morning.
5. She brought me the parcel 2 hours ago.
6. They have brought all the necessary equipment.
7. I wiil buy the bread on my way home.
8. We bought this TV a month ago.
9. He has bought a new car.
10. Liitle boys like to break their toys.
11. She broke her leg last year.
12. I have broken your favorite cup.
13. I prefer to drink coffee in the morning.
14. My cat drank a bottle of milk yesterday.
15. He has just drunk all your juice.
16. I do my homework every day.
17. She did a lot of work about the house yesterday.
18. My parents have done many good things for me.
19. I like to eat sweets very much.
20. He ate 2 boxes of chocolates last evening.
21. She has just eaten her breakfast.
22. I don't like to give my things to other people.
23. She gave me that book last week.
24. They have just given me a great gift.
25. I will pay for your dinner.
26. They paid a lot of money for this house.
27. She has already paid for this car.
28. Little children like to run.
29. My cat ran away yesterday, and i still can't find it.
30. Your dog has just run away.
31. I don't like to write letters.
32. She wrote a story about her family last week.
33. He has just written a letter to his grandmother.
34. I will take these books with me, when I go to my grandparents.
35. They took many books from the library last Friday.
36. I have already taken the keys, don't look for them.
We are living in 21 century. In our time one device can replace many different things. For example our smartphones. They contain almost all - clock, maps, our messangers and social networks. It's hard to image, that 15 years ago people don't have such opportunities. Nothing stands still, all techology devices move on, and become better.
It's really intresting quastoin "Are machines really Taking Our jobs?". We all hear about new, modern robots in China and Japane.
They can work for the waiter, cook food, make their work faster than many people. They have many advantages. Now days many people scared "What if my work would be replace by robots?".
In my opinion, people musn't be afraid by this. Its many jobs, where robots never can replace people. Robots - it's a machine, which do't have soul or any fellings... On the other hand there are so many different really hard work in our world, and it would be cool if all that work machines can do without people. Well, all think, that we all we have our place under the sun, so we shoudn't be scared or afraid modern technology. They make just to my our life easyer.