3. danced 4. have you started 5. haven’t read 6. have you written 7. did you sleep 8. had been broken 9. left 10. have stayed 11. have you heard 12. didn’t rain 13. have done 14. didn’t learn 15. hadn’t read
The atmosphere pollution is most serious environmental problem because of the greenhouse effect. it means that the climate becomes warmer and warmer every day. This is dangerous because it causes the melting of Artic ice and the level of the Ocean can become higher. So, water will cover some land.Another great problem is water pollution. Factories and plants produce the water polluted by poisons or oils and let out this water into rivers and the seas. That is dangerous for the wildlife and for people. They also produce gases and substances which destroy the ozone layer of the atmosphere.It is dangerous because this ozone layer protects the Earth from the space radiation. We can help keep this ozone layer, if we use ozone-friendly substances and sprays.
Загрязнение атмосферы является наиболее серьезной экологической проблемой из-за парникового эффекта. это означает, что климат становится теплее и теплее с каждым днем. Это опасно, потому что оно вызывает таяние арктических льдов и уровень океана может стать выше. Так, вода покроет землю.Другой большой проблемой является загрязнение воды. Фабрики и заводы выпускают воду, загрязненную ядами или маслами и выпускают эту воду в реки и моря. Это опасно для дикой природы и для людей. Они также производят газы и вещества, разрушающие озоновый слой атмосферы.Это опасно, потому что этот озоновый слой защищает Землю от космической радиации. Мы можем сохранить озоновый слой, если мы будем использовать озонобезопасные вещества и спреи.
1. If you worked hard you would manage to do the test 2. ... the room when you hear the bell. 3. A tabloid is a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and little serious news. 4. A newspaper is a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements, etc. 5. The Internet is a way to communicate with someone using the computer. 6. Radio is broadcasting programmes for people to listen to. 7. Does your theory prove to be true? 8. Is it difficult to prove that you are right? 9. Televisionis broadcasting programmes for people to watch on their television sets.
Hey there! :)
3 danced
4 Have you started
5 haven't read
6 Have you written
7 Did you sleep
8 has been broken
9 left
10 have stayed
11 have you heard
12 didn't rain
13 have done
14 didn't learn
15 hasn't read
Hope this helps! :)