Communication with animals develops responsibility in children. After all, the pet needs to be fed, walked, cleaned the pot, changed sawdust, etc.
Nowadays, the choice of a pet is no longer limited to a cat, dog or fish. In the pet store you can find many interesting and even exotic animals. A dog is man's best friend. Loneliness is not tolerated. Cats are distinguished by their affectionate and friendly disposition, independent and playful. Remember that responsibility for the animal will not appear in the child on its own; he needs to be taught to this, starting with the little things.
Only about three dozen out of over two thousand animal spices inhabiting our planet are domesticated animals. Domestic animals are not only pets that live in our flats or houses, and are human friends. This group also includes livestock that lives on farms and brings certain profit to people. And sometimes poultry such as hens, turkeys or ducks is referred to domestic animals as well.Probably, most people speaking about domestic animals, first of all, mean their pets – cats, lap dogs, hamsters, turtles, parrots and so on. These animals are usually useless, and people keep them just for their own pleasure. Sometimes people have in their homes more exotic animals – rats, ferrets, and even reptiles and small crocodiles. But, to my mind, it’s not a good idea to keep snakes at home. They will hardly ever see you as friends, and meanwhile they are dangerous. As for me, the only pet I have is a white angora cat Angela. It is very fluffy. I brought it home when it was just two months old. Then it was a small and playful kitten. Now it has turned into a serious five year-old cat, which spends most of the day sleeping on the sofa.
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