1 When did you leave school? 2. How long has she been feeling unwell? 3. I've never met such a nice person before. 4. I have been waiting for you since four o'clock. 5. She has never written a letter by hand since she bought a computer. 6. I wonder where you have been all this time. 7. I have been learning English for five years. 8. You never know how he is going to react. 9. She has tripped over the cat and nearly fell over. 10. Look! I have found a ten-pound note! - Where did you find it? 11. Margaret is taking driving lessons now. 12. In recent years terrorism has become a greater threat. 13. The rain came suddenly and it has soaked all the washing. 14. Ever since we met, you have never asked me what I prefer to do. 15. How long have you lived here? 16. I have been interested in sports since my childhood. 17. What have you been doing since you left Cambridge?
Roberts y Pamela Anderson, la cantante Madonna, así como el futbolista Ronaldinho y el ciclista Lance Armstrong. 30 янв 2014 . Велосипедист Лэнс Армстронг (Lance Armstrong) был дисквалифицирован, в частности, на основании косвенных улик: показаний . Перевод текста песни Go Down Moses исполнителя (группы) Louis Armstrong. We Have All the Time in the World* Основатель благотворительного фонда людям, затронутым раком, — Фонда Лэнса Армстронга (англ. Lance Armstrong. [править 10 май 2009 . . личное сообщение, напечатайте d RECIPIENTUSERNAME в тексте. .. Lance Armstrong (lancearmstrong) 12. .. Перевод: ArmadaBoard Блог им. andrejefl → перевод текста lance armstrong из рабочей тетради спотлайт 0. Блог им. badyginevgenij → перевод текста 6 класс оксана карпюк lily.
А) Yours