(End-of-term Speaking Test)
1. X-factor winner in Kazakhstan.
What is the name of your favourite singer?
What series of the X-factor did he (she) win?
What musical instruments can he (she) play?
What kind of songs of this singer do you listen to?
Does he (she) have popular albums or hit?
More information:
2. My favourite foreign singer and music style.
What kind of music do you know?
Which style do you like the most? Why?
What is your favourite foreign singer?
Why do you like him (her)?
Where does he (she) give concerts, gigs?
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3. My favourite time of year.
What time of year do you like? Why?
What time of year do you dislike? Why?
When is your birthday?
What can you do in summer?
What can you do in winter?
More information:
4. The weather in Almaty.
Is the weather cold in winter in Almaty?
Describe the weather in Almaty in autumn.
What season do you like in Almaty? (winter, spring, etc.)
What kind of weather do you like in Almaty?
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5. Reading
How do you usually read? (on paper, on screen …)
What was the last book you read?
Do you read news on websites?
Do you read in transport?
What languages can you read books in?
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6. Social networking.
What kind of social networks do you know? (Facebook, Instagram…)
What social networks do you use? Why?
How do you use social networks? (to upload photos, for reading news, to write posts, to write comments …)
How many times a day do you communicate with friends through social networks?
Are social networks useful or not?
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7. Noisy neighbor.
Where does your noisy neighbor live? (upstairs, next door, etc.)
What kind of noise does your neighbor make?
Does he / she have a pet?
What does he / she do in the evenings?
What does he /she do at the weekend?
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8. My favourite day of week.
What is your favorite day of the week?
What do you usually do on this day?
Where do you have lunch on this day?
When do you go to bed?
Do you do housework on this day?
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9. My free time activities.
Do you do any sport? Which one?
Where do you usually relax?
How often do you meet friends?
Do you help your parents to do their housework?
What movie (film) did you watch the last time?
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10. Tourist places of Almaty (Nur-Sultan).
What are the tourist places of Almaty?
Where do you relax with friends in Almaty?
What famous sports places are there in Almaty?
What famous cultural places do you know?
What do you recommend seeing/visiting in Almaty?
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11. My preferred place (room) in our house (flat).
Do you live in a house or in a flat?
How many rooms are there in your house (flat)?
What is your favorite place in the flat (in the house)? Describe it.
How far is it from the city centre?
What things and furniture are there in your room?
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12. My life in a dormitory.
When do you wake up in the morning?
What do you do after classes at the university?
How many students live with you in a dormitory?
Where do you have lunch? Do you cook in a dormitory?
When do you do your homework?
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13. My unforgettable past birthday.
When was your most memorable birthday?
What gift did you get?
How many guests were there?
Where did you celebrate your birthday?
What did you eat?
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14. Healthy food.
What kind of food is healthy?
What kind of vegetables and fruits do you know?
Do you often eat fast food?
What dish do you like?
Do you prefer to cook at home or to eat in the canteen? Why?
More information:
15. Food.
What do you usually have for breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
What dishes do you like?
What drinks do you often drink?
What desserts do you prefer?
What kind of containers do you know and use?
What did your mother/sister/friend prepare for your last birthday?
More information:
I love my strona. There are many beautiful places. I have a friend who is very beautiful and kind. She has black hair and brown eyes, I love to walk with her. We have been friends with her for 2 years, Her name is Alya. She is 13 I walked yesterday and noticed a beautiful, beautiful flower, a dandelion. I came home and gave it to my mother. She really liked it. The next day I woke up, washed, had breakfast, and went to school. The first lesson was English, I really like it and I got 5. I really liked the tasks. Then there was a Math lesson where we solved equations, they gave me 4 for the lesson. How do I like Mathematics and English
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