1. I don't know what to do, I'm confused. (глагол confusing стоит здесь в Past simple)
2. This road is very long...
3. I need those fascinating dog!
1. Я не знаю что делать, я запутался.
2. Эта дорога очень длинная...
3. Мне нужна та очаровательная собака!
Удачи тебе в учёбе! ;)
Нужно было предложениЕ, а написала предложениЯ... Ну ладно, надеюсь хоть в чём-то всё равно
7) My mom said me not to run in the kitchen
8) Carol said to Sam not to put his shoes on the chair
1) Carol said to Mitchell to get out of Carol's room
2) Mum said to her son not to turn on the TV
3) Susan said that she lives in Spain
4) My mother said that she likes travelling
13) Peter said to teacher that he is going on holiday
14) Carol said that he(she) works for a company in the morning
15) Claudia said that Sonia is colouring a map at the moment
16) Marina said that they don't play golf any more
17) Cecy said that Rossana is going to change school next year
18) Susan said to Peter that she is looking for a better job
Today is a confusing and long day , it's like a fascinating dream!