Match the computer expressions with their meanings.
upload information / encode / browse the Web / download information /
hack into a computer / bounce an e-mail / install software / surf the net
1 … - visit different websites
2 … - visit web pages for a particular purpose
3 … - copy fi les to your computer from the Internet
4 … - send fi les to the Internet or other Internet users
5 … - return a message
6 … - change into a form suitable for computer processing
7 … - put a program into use
8 … - access illegally
Задание 2. Измените активную форму глагола на пассивную.
1. Was the mouse caught by them? 2. Will the new bridge be opened by the King? 3. Are the cars made in Korea? 4. How are you treated by your parents? 5. What was the fire caused with? 6. Can these questions be answered by the children?
Задание 3. Измените пассивную форму глагола на активную. 1. They blew off the bridge last month. 2. Spiders catch flies. 3. They cut down all the trees every year. 4. They send him for a doctor. 5. They told me about it some days ago. 6. They will make the bench of wood.