I saw (a,an,the или пропуск) dog chasing cars in the streets (a,an,the или пропуск)
book that I borrowed from you is interesting. 3) Ann found (a,an,the или пропуск) kitten in the park. She took (a,an,the или пропуск) kitten home with her. 4) (a,an,the или пропуск) Phones did not exist (exist=существовать) 200 years ago. 5) We have meals 4 times (a,an,the или пропуск) day. 6) They go to
(a,an,the или пропуск) cinema once (a,an,the или пропуск) week. 7) His car was travelling 75 km (a,an,the или пропуск) hour. 8) He has (a,an,the или пропуск)cold. 9) Can you see (a,an,the или пропуск) moon in (a,an,the или пропуск) sky? 9) Have you visited (a,an,the или пропуск)Tretyakov Art Gallery or (a,an,the или пропуск) Louvre? 10) Have you seen (a,an,the или пропуск) Pacific ocean? 11) I'd like to visit (a,an,the или пропуск) Alps, (a,an,the или пропуск) Kalahari Desert, (a,an,the или пропуск) Mount Etna, (a,an,the или пропуск) Lake Baikal. And I visited (a,an,the или пропуск) Tasmania and (a,an,the или пропуск) Malta. 12)They live in (a,an,the или пропуск) Serov Street and study at (a,an,the или пропуск) Moscow Univercity.13) He's been to (a,an,the или пропуск) hospital for 4 weeks. 14) Alan was taken to (a,an,the или пропуск)hospital near his house. 15) There is (a,an,the или пропуск) book and (a,an,the или пропуск)
scissors (scissors = ножницы) on (a,an,the или пропуск) desk. 16) Last (a,an,the или пропуск) year they visited (a,an,the или пропуск) UK,
(a,an,the или пропуск) USA and (a,an,the или пропуск) Spain.
Ex. 13. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and conjunctions where necessary.
One day a stranger came the city. It was very early in… the morning and yet there were many people in… the streets. He asked a man where all the people were going to, and the man told the stranger about Atlanta and the races. The stranger was surprised. "No woman, " he said, "will take my life from… me. "
The stranger went on… and walked for a long time along the streets. When he returned to… the gate of… the palace, he was covered in… dust. The porter looked at his dirty clothes and hesitated. But the stranger said to… him that he was the king's son, and the porter allowed him to go into… the palace.
And the young man entered the palace, where they gave … him water to wash himself and new clothes. When Atlanta saw a stranger at … the table that day, she turned on her eyes, because… she was sure he came to run in the race with her … the next morning. At first the guests were rather silent, but the stranger talked with… so much humour that soon there was a smile on… the faces of… all at … the table. After the meal, the king came to the stranger. "Sir, " he said, "your name and country are still unknown to us, but we invite you to stay as long as you like. "
"I thank you, " answered the stranger, "but I cannot tell … you my name, and I cannot stay in the house of any man for more than one night. I must start before/at dawn. I thank you for your kindness, and beg you to excuse me. I should like to rest now, because I have travelled far and must go a long distance yet. "
So he left the king and his daughter. But Atlanta could not forget the man who said farewell to her with… such a light heart. When she asked herself why she was interested in… him, she could find no answer. Yet she decided to speak to him again before… he left the palace … the next morning.