В задании нужно сформировать правдивые о тебе предложения. Поэтому делаю перевод, а что получится неверно-добавишь отрицание, просто not, или наоборот уберешь
2 I am going to stay in this evening-Я собираюсь остаться сегодня дома
3 I am not going to get up before 7 am tomorrow-Я не собираюсь завтра вставать раньше 7 утра
4 I am not going to buy a new laptop this weekend-Я не собираюсь покупать новый ноутбук на этих выходных
5 I am not going to have a haircut next week- Я не собираюсь стричься на следующей неделе
6 I am going to be rich and famous one day!- Я собираюсь быть богатым и знаменитым однажды
1. If I have time, I will visit granny.
5. He will like it if he tries.
7. If I had a daughter, I would give her my mother's name
8. If he knew her number, he could send her a message
9.If we were fifter, we could run to the marathon next week
10.She could have gone abroad if she had had a month.
11. What would you have said if i had told you the truth
12.They will pay if they can
13.If I were you I would punish them
14. I will make a mistake unless you give me directions.
15. If the cake weren't burn't, I could eat it.
16.If Wendy Hadn't arrived late,She would have missed her appointment.
17.Would you help me if I needed it?
18. I wouldn't hae watched the film if I had known it was so boring.
19. Birds fly south if the weather gets cold.
20. Unless I had left now, I would have missed the train.
Задание переписано с очень многими ошибками,некоторые предложения не имеют смысла и видно что что-то пропущено.