Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. (4 times) What’s the weather like today? Is it sunny? What’s the weather like today? Is it rainy? What’s the weather like today? It’s quite funny. How it’s changing.What’s the weather like today? Is it snowing? What’s the weather like today? Is it clearing? What’s the weather like today? Is it going to be Really very nice indeed? Shining sun, And sparkling sea, Warm and dry, with just a breeze. Among the trees…breeze…Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. (4 times) Yesterday the wind was blowing. Is today going to be fine?Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
1. Yoga makes me __ (feel) great. 2. I find it challenging __ (to keep) track of my finances 3. For one thing, __ (overeating) causes obesity and heart disease. 4. Once again they attempted __ (to reach) the summit, this time successfully. 5. He'll never forget __ (winniing) the invitation to the MTV Music Awards. 6. I would never risk __ (booking) a flight with a newly set up airline company. 7. The Prime Minister suggested __(adopting) a more pragmatic approach to international relations 8. Jogging made Jack dizzy, so he stopped __(to take) a few deep breaths.
In the picture you can see a man.
На картинке вы можете видеть мужчину.
He is around 50 years old.
Ему около 50 лет.
His hair is brown colored and combed back.
Его волосы коричневого цвета и зачесаны назад.
His forehead is sloped.
Его лоб скошенный.
His eyes are blue.
У него голубые глаза.
You can see a few wrinkles under his eyes.
Вы можете увидеть несколько морщин под глазами.
His nose is straight.
У него прямой нос.
His lips are oval.
Его губы овальные.
He has a square face.
У него квадратное лицо.
His temples are shaved.
Его виски выбриты.
His ears are square.
У него квадратные уши.
His has a square chin.
У него квадратный подбородок.
He has a barely visible mustache and he is wearing a 5 o'clock beard.
У него едва заметные усы и он носит короткую бороду (легкая щетина).
He is handsome.
Он привлекательный.
He looks stylish.
Он выглядит стильно.