Задание 2
Human race - Человеческая раса
academic discipline - академическая дисциплина
international economics - международная экономика
competing schools - конкурирующие школы
comprehensive theory - всеобъемлющая теория
to feel deprived - чувствовать себя обделенным
scarcity - дефицит
to be concerned - быть обеспокоенным
to evaluate - оценить
Задание 3
«Богатство Наций» - “The Wealth of Nations”
ветви науки - branches of science
эконометрика - econometrics
смутный - vague
руководящая идея - guiding idea
зажиточный - prosperous
точка насыщения - saturation point
характеристика экономики - characteristic of the economy
2)When was the radio( invented)?
3)When was ,,War and Peace,, (written) by Tolstoy?
4)Chemically pure water is never ( met) with in everyday life.
5)Much attention(is paid) to the living condiyion of people in our country.
1)My sister(was invited) to the birthday party by her friend yesterday.
2)More and more houses(are build) in our country from year to year.
3)We( open) the window after every lesson.
4)We(will finish)our experiment in a week.
5)Young trees(were plant)in the street last autumn.
6)I( answered)my brothers letter last week.