Every man in his life, sooner or later, faces a choice. No matter how complicated it may seem, people have to choose. I chose the fashioner's profession, because I was interested in my not uniformity, prestige and originality. I want to learn how to taste with the right clothes, create unusual reviews and translate them into reality. I went to this profession to know more about fashion, what a fashion is. A fashion designer helps a person to reveal to himself or vice versa to hide his shortcomings. This profession is interesting and creative. s to create new clothing styles and to new fashion trends .I can make people beautiful and happiness happy .This is a very interesting profession
I have got a room. There is a small bed and а wardrobe. There are a lot of paintings on the wall. There are big table and two small chairs. There are two big windows. There is a big rug on the floor and a chandelier on the ceiling. I always do my homework in my room. My room is not big but it is very nice. У меня есть своя комната. Здесь есть маленькая кровать и шкаф для одежды. На стене много картин. Здесь большой стол и два маленьких стула. Тут два больших окна. На полу большой ковер и на потолке люстра. Я всегда делаю домашнее задание у себя в комнате. Моя комната небольшая, но очень прекрасная.