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4. Rewrite these sentences using can, can’t, could, couldn’t:

Do you see that man over there? 2. I smell something burning. 3. I understood what he said. 4. Did you understand what he said? 5. I don’t see anyone. 6. I didn’t understand what he said. 7. May I borrow your phone? 8. I borrow your pen, Ah? 9. Maybe I borrow your pen? 10. She has never played golf.
5. Write sentences about yourself.

I can…… , but I can’t….. . 2. I’d love to be able to …... 3. When I was I could …. 4. I couldn’t until I …... 5. I’ll never forget the time I managed to…. .
6. Fill in gaps with can, could, be able to, can’t, couldn’t.

__ you swim when you were 10? 2. We __ get to the meeting on time yesterday because the train was delayed by one hour. 3. He __ arrive at the party on time, even after missing the train, so he was very pleased. 4. He’s amazing, he __ speak 5 languages including Chinese. 5. I __drive a car until I was 15, then I moved to the countryside so I had to learn. 6. I looked everywhere for my glasses but I __ find them anywhere. 7. I searched for your house for ages, luckily I __ find it in the end. 8. He’s 6 years old but he __ read yet – her parents are getting her extra lessons. 9. I’ve read the report fifty times but I __ understand it. 10. Lucy __ speak Japanese when she lived in Japan, but he’s forgotten most of it now. 11. I __ understand the chapter we had to read for homework. It was so difficult. 12. Mum __lift this box – it’s too heavy! Would you help me? 13. Lucy ___ make it to our meeting after all. She’s stuck in traffic at the moment. 14. Smirnov___ play tennis really well. He’s champion of his club. 15. Unfortunately, I really ___ sing at all! No-one in my family is musical either. 16. When the van broke down I was really pleased because I __ solve the problem. 17. Alex___ play excellent soccer when he was only ten. 18. My grandfather ___ use a computer until last month. Since then, he’s been taking lessons at the library. 19. I __ open this window. I think it’s stuck! 20. Rob___ play the violin. He’s never studied it. 21. Mummy … cook perfect steaks as the meat was fresh. 22.You … work as a waitress until you are 18. 23. I don’t believe the hot news. It … be true! 24. When he lived in Paris he … speak French quite well. 25. We … see the ballet better if we buy the first row tickets. 26. Zarema is depressed, she … stop crying. 27. Mother caught a cab because she had a terrible backache, and she … walk. 28. … you speak slower, please? 29. I … play the violin now but I … play it two years ago. 30. You … get to the bus-station in an hour.

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Система образования в США сильно варьируется от государства к государству. Школьное образование в государственных школах является бесплатным. Родители бесплатновыбрать любую государственную школу для своих детей. Хотя есть много частных школ, в основном религиозные, и родителям приходится за них платить. Школьный год начинается в сентябре и заканчивается в июне. Он разделен на три точки или четыре квартала. 
Американских детей начинают посещать начальную школу в возрасте 6 лет. Они продолжают учебу в течение восьми лет (8 классы). Их базовых предметов в учебный план на этой стадии: английский, арифметика, Естественные науки, История, География, Иностранный язык и некоторые другие. После этого учащиеся могут ввести в старших классах средней школы, или если они пойдут в 5 - или 6-летней начальной школы, они посещают 3 - или 4-летнюю неполную среднюю школу, а затем ввести в старших классах средней школы. Выпускники вузов в возрасте от 18. Высшие учебные заведения (также известный как средние школы), как правило, просторнее и вместить подростков из четырех или пяти начальных школ. В течение учебного года студенты изучают четыре или пять выборочных предметов в соответствии с их профессиональными интересами. Они должны пройти определенное количество курсов, чтобы получить диплом средней школы или справку из школы.
Для того, чтобы развивать социальные навыки и стимулирования участия учащихся во внеурочной деятельности в каждой школе есть оркестр, Музыкальные группы, хор, драматические кружки, футбол, баскетбол и бейсбольные команды. Школа становится центром общественной жизни для студентов.
В американских колледжах и университетах молодые люди получают высшее образование. Они учатся 4 года и получают степень бакалавра искусства или науки. Если студент хочет получить диплом магистра, что ему нужно учиться еще два года и заниматься научно-исследовательской работой. Студенты, которые хотят продолжить свое образование далее в определенной области, могут преследовать степень доктора. Наиболее известные американские университеты Гарвард, Принстон, Стэнфорд, Йель, колумбийский университеты.
4,6(67 оценок)

In Great Britain children start going to school when they are five and continue studying until they are 16 or older. Compulsory education begins at the age of five when they go to primary school. Primary education lasts foe six years. First they attend the infant school from five to seven.
In infant schools children don’t have real classes. They get acquainted with the class - room, desks, play and through plating. They learn numbers and how to add them. When children are seven they go to junior school which they attend until eleven. Boys and girls study at junior school for four years. There they have classes, read and write, do mathematics.
At secondary school pupils study English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Foreign languages and PT. there are some types of secondary schools in Great Britain. They are grammar school, modern schools and comprehensive schools. One can attend modern school but of a modern school don’t learn foreign languages.
If they go to grammar school they will have a good secondary education. This type of school is most popular in England. At secondary school pupils study English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Foreign languages and PT lessons. English, Maths and Science are called ‘core’ subjects. Pupils take examinations in the core subjects at the age of 7, 11 and 14.
There are some private schools in England. Boys and girls do not together study at these schools. The son and daughters of aristocracy go to these schools. Their parents pay much money for the education in private schools. The teachers of these schools pay personal attention to each pupil.

Group B: Education in Kazakhstan.
We started school at the age of seven. After four years of primary school we went to secondary school. Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of classes are compulsory in our republic.
Our school year began on the first of September and ended in May. It lasted 9 months. We had four holidays a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. On the 1st of September we got acquainted with our teachers and had our first lessons. Every lesson lasted 45 minutes. Every day we had 5 or 6 lessons.
The primary school curriculum included such as subjects Kazakh, Maths, Russian, Drawing, PT and Music. We had also Nature classes. Our school was not English but we had English classes which started in the 2nd form.
Recently Kazakhstan has also developed several types of schools with greater specialization such as gymnasium, technical, lyceums and private schools. Education is free, except those which work on a commercial basic.
Today the educational system in Kazakhstan is presented by two languages: Kazakh and Russian. Primary education is the most developed of the state’s educational system. Pupils receive their primary education in schools of three different levels. Primary 1 - 4 grades, middle 5 - 9 grades and junior 10 - 11 grades. After finishing the 9th grade children continue education in high schools in technical - professional institutes, or in special schools.

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