In my house i have my own room. It is not that big, but I like it! I have a closet with my clothes and things. Next, I have my bed it is very comfy! I also have a desk and a bookshelf. I also have a TV, it is next to my bed. On my bedroom wall I have a lots of posters! But, the best thing is my window! it has a beautiful view. I like my bedroom.
В моєму домі в мене є моя власна кімната. Вона не така вже й велика, але вона подобається! Я маю шафу з моїм одягом та речами. Далі, в мене є дуже зручне ліжко! Також я маю стіл та книжкову шафу. Також в мене є телевізор, він знаходиться перед моїм ліжком. На стінах моєї спальної кімнати є багато постерів! Але, найкраща річ це моє вікно! Звідти є красивий краєвид. Мені подобається моя спальна кімната.
no one really knows how many millions of species of wildlife exist on earth, but one thing is for sure, plants and animals are all around us! unfortunately, as towns and cities get bigger, humans are destroying these habitats.
to build more houses and roads they are cutting down trees in woodlands and forests, which are home to animals such as foxes, otters, red squirrels and hedgehogs and beatiful plants such as bluebells and daffodils.so, what can we do to help protect the habitats around our towns and cities? well, quite a lot actually! for example, you could find out about the different animal habitats near your home and about any problems that they have.it's actually quite easy to do
это не 10 но большие предложения!
I know too little about this problem and cannot be of any help to you